m u s i c . j k i r k r i c h a r d s . c o m - d i s c o g r a p h y |
| discography | video | events | photos | store | music home | jkr home | |
How do I pre-order? |
Scroll down on this page to the electronic pre-order form and fill it out. |
How much is it going to cost? |
$17.95 plus applicable sales tax and shipping. |
Do I pay that now? |
No. We will send you an email or a card to let you know when the album is finished. Then you pay, and we will send you your reserved copy with the other free stuff. |
What free stuff? |
The FIRST 150 pre-orders will get a 10% discount gift certificate on any fine art print from art.jkirkrichards.com, and an album bumper sticker. The FIRST 100 pre-orders will ALSO get a free T-shirt. |
But is the album going to be good? |
Yeah. We're taking our time to make sure it's as good as we can get it. |
But am I going to like it? |
We hope so. If you like Peter Gabriel, Annie Lennox, U2, Enya, Sigur Ros, Sting, Coldplay or anything on the fringes of those artists, we're confident you'll like this album . If not, just return it in sellable condition for a full refund. |
Can I hear a sample before it's released? |
Yes. Go back to the discography page and click on the song samples. You can also see clips of the promo videos on the video portion of the site. |
And I get to help choose the CD cover design? |
Once we receive your pre-order, we will email you with a link to a hidden web page where you can choose your favorite album cover design and give your input. |